NaNoWriMo Update: Day One

Word Count: 2,356

Cups of coffee/tea: ∞

Photo by Nolan Isaac from Unsplash

Photo by Nolan Isaac from Unsplash

Fiction is art and art is the triumph over chaos… to celebrate a world that lies spread out around us like a bewildering and stupendous dream.
— John Cheever

The year in hell is really flying by, and wouldn’t you know it, it’s the first day of November! For my writing connoisseurs out there, you know what that means - today is also the first day of NaNoWriMo!

In my last blog post, I covered what exactly NaNoWriMo is and my own personal goals for completion. I finished my first writing session of the day, and am about 10 pages in (or 2,356 words).

Things I’ve discovered about myself:

  • I tend to write short, punchy things first that expand on the plot - then go back to add the pretty writing/details.

  • I’m really bad at focusing. Like, really bad.

  • I use too many similes. At least they’re usually interesting.

  • I’m scared of ghosts (though, admittedly, this last one has nothing to do with writing; just a revelation from watching scary TikToks and movies during the month of October).

One section I’m particularly proud of (but that also notably gives nothing about my story away):

“Three is a funny number. In numerology, three is a number that expresses individuality and creativity. It is a unique abstraction that thrives in environments that require communication. It is naive and shallow, however. Three does not know real love.

Photo by James L.W. from Unsplash

Photo by James L.W. from Unsplash

Three is significant in many religions. The Hindu triumvirate of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. The Three Pure Ones of Taoism. The Triple Goddesses of Wicca. 

Three is the holiest number in Christian thinking. The Holy Trinity. The death and resurrection of Christ. Three is when things begin and end.”

Anyway, I don’t think I’ll be sharing too much of my writing on here, for fear of giving too much away. ;)

First impression: this is going to be hard. But I’m already having a lot of fun.


NaNoWriMo Update: Week One


NaNoWriMo Kick-Off