NaNoWriMo Kick-Off

It’s a week until November 1, and you know what that means?

Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.
— Anton Chekhov

I mean, first of all, SORRY, I have not been in the right head space to continue updating this blog, so I left it to sit, paid for and uncultivated, but I saw November as the perfect opportunity to rekindle. Why? Because November is:

National Novel Writing Month!

I’ve never actually participated in NaNoWriMo, but since I’ve started and restarted the same novel about five times over the course of the past 10 months, I thought this would be an excellent time to hunker down and actually write it.

So what is involved in NaNoWriMo? For those who, like me, have also not participated, it’s a month where you dedicate yourself to writing 50,000 words of any novel. Sci-fi, literary, romance, seriously anything - what matters is the 50,000 word count. There’s a nifty site where you can track your progress, create writing groups, interact with other writers, and (in non-COVID times) meet up with people in your area also participating. If you’re interested in following my progress, making a group with me, or just being my writing buddy, click here.

I’m excited, but definitely scared for my life. NaNoWriMo will be the most intense writing challenge I’ve ever participated in (and potentially the first I’ve ever finished). To give you an idea of my plan for the month of writing a novel in standard manuscript format (size 12, double spaced, Times New Roman font):

  • Write at least 800 words every weekday (~3 pages per day, ~16 pages per week)

  • Write at least 4,240 words on the weekend (~17 pages)

Considering my 9-5, I’ve condensed most of my writing time into the weekends, while also trying to take into account ahem other important aspects of my life.

Don’t forget to vote!!

Don’t forget to vote!!

With plenty of slack and space to get (or not get) things done.

Pretty dark aesthetic, imo.

Pretty dark aesthetic, imo.

Anyway! My hope is that posting regular updates here, as well as on my NaNoWriMo profile will keep me accountable. I’m almost finished with a detailed outline and character profiles, and am knee-deep in a Pinterest board to figure out just who and what the hell I am writing.

My updates here will include:

  • word count

  • successes/milestones

  • obstacles/struggles

  • writing excerpts I’m particularly proud of

Are you participating in NaNoWriMo? Let me know in the comments!


NaNoWriMo Update: Day One


So you want to be a Great Writer™