“Why Poetry is Synonymous with War” and “Birch Tree”

As often as I like to make believe that I’m not a real writer and never will be, I keep proving myself wrong, thankfully.

Photo from Sky Island Journal.

Photo from Sky Island Journal.

It can be depressing when no one takes interest, and a lack of response makes the writer question why they’re writing at all. To have one’s writing rejected is like you, yourself, are being rejected.
— Lizz Clements

We’ll keep it short this week! Two literary journals decided to accept my poetry, and they both came out this weekend. Here are the links below:

“Why Poetry is Synonymous with War” (Sky Island Journal)

“Birch Tree” (Trouvaille Review)

Pretty wild. There was definitely a time in my life, not very long ago, when I was super discouraged because no one was accepting my poetry, not even places that published only first-time poets. So this has been both humbling and gratifying. I hope you’ll give them a read.

For a full list of my published pieces, as well as upcoming poems, visit my “Publications” page.


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