The Scribbler Subscription Box: My first of (hopefully) many
If you haven’t heard of the Scribbler Subscription Box, I highly recommend you go check it out right now.
The aforementioned Scribbler Box. Very pretty.
“Read, read, read. Read everything — trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master. Read! You’ll absorb it.
Then write. If it’s good, you’ll find out. If it’s not, throw it out of the window.”
If that first sentence wasn’t enough to convince you, let’s go into why you should at least give the subscription box a thought. Normally, I wouldn’t even think of getting a subscription box. The only monthly things I pay for are rent, my phone, and utilities. So this was a bit out of character for me, but I certainly don’t regret it.
For a newbie writer like myself, I found this box to be both very fun and helpful. Let’s look at some of the goodies they included.
The subscription also comes with access to a Facebook group where there’s a bunch of other writers, both emerging and established, so it’s just a plethora of resources at your fingertips. The only REAL downside I’m aware of is the price (especially since you have to pay for your own shipping), but, with the amount of resources they include, for me it might be worth it. I’m really looking forward to my next box, and can’t wait to dig into the books and goodies they send me.
Don’t forget to check out my Patreon if you haven’t! Once there, you can receive all the poems I post, and depending on your subscription level, a personalized poem once a month, as well as a poetry ebook! Also be sure to subscribe to my blog for notifications of new posts, as well as a free ebook straight to your inbox!