NaNoWriMo Update: Week Three
Sorry for skipping a week two update, but it’s been a bit hectic on my side! Here are some updated counts:
Word count: 39,144
Page count: 159
New apartments: 1
Photo by Erda Estremera from Unsplash
“Cheat your landlord if you can and must, but do not try to shortchange the Muse. It cannot be done. You can’t fake quality any more than you can fake a good meal.”
Yep, you read that right. For some reason, I decided to do my first NaNoWriMo when I knew I would be moving apartments. I factored it into the equation when I initially made the decision to do NaNoWriMo, but, LOL, let me tell you, it’s been a trip. And it’s partially the reason I didn’t write a blog post last week or yesterday; because yesterday, I was literally putting together a couch, unpacking boxes, and generally trying not to freak out.
Photo by hannah grace from Unsplash
But it was a success! I’m all moved in with my boyfriend into our new apartment. And, incredibly so, I’ve also managed to keep on track with my NaNoWriMo goals (though, that’s partially thanks to my boyfriend, who graciously picked up some of the slack that came with the hours of me writing). With a week left in November, I only have about 10,000 words left to write, and my story is on track to end with that goal in mind.
That’s not to say the move hasn’t had an effect on some of the writing I’ve been doing. For the past few days, by the time I open up my laptop to get writing, I’ve been exhausted to the point of delirious, and my writing has definitely suffered for that. But the reminder that what I’m doing now is a rough draft keeps me going, even when I really don’t want to. As Ernest Hemingway famously said, “The first draft of anything is shit.” My book will be no exception.
Anyway, I expect the remainder of November will be spent writing in a similar delirium. With American Thanksgiving around the corner for those of my readers in the United States, I’m sure you can empathize when I say, god damn it.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Thanksgiving. What I’m not prepared for is the food-induced coma and the hours spent cooking and cleaning up. Luckily (or rather unluckily - boo COVID), this Thanksgiving will just be my boyfriend and I. So a little less cooking and a little less cleaning to be had.
If you’re reading this, let me know what’s on your modified Thanksgiving menu in this COVID era of holidays! My boyfriend and I are cooking baked mostaccioli, sweet potato casserole, brussels sprouts, and a pumpkin pie.
Here’s to a Happy Thanksgiving and hoping I can finish my book this next week!